The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) was established in 2002 to develop a European approach to Research Infrastructures as a key element of the European Research Area (ERA). EU-OPENSCREEN is classified on the ESFRI Roadmap as a 'Landmark Project' and considered a 'major element of competitiveness of the European Research Area'. ESFRI identified 16 research infrastructures in the biological and medical sciences (BMS). In 2015, 12 of them signed a Memorandum of Understanding and agreed on a long-term strategic collaboration through a new BMS Strategy Group. In the framework of various EU-funded projects (e.g. CORBEL, EMBRIC, ERIC Forum, EOSC-Life, RI-VIS), EU-OPENSCREEN and other research infrastructures closely collaborate on a scientific and technical basis.
EU-OPENSCREEN signed a bilateral Collaboration Agreement with Euro-BioImaging to support and enable the European life science community and to contribute to the sustainability of such combined service provision. If you are interested in receiving further information on working in joint research projects between Euro-BioImaging and EU-OPENSCREEN, please contact us here.
European Research Infrastructure for Imaging Technologies in Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Euro-BioImaging ERIC offers life scientists open access to imaging instruments, expertise, training opportunities, and data management services. All scientists, regardless of affiliation, area of expertise, or field of activity, can benefit from these pan-European open access services. For most technologies, scientists are invited to receive hands-on training at the imaging set-up of their choice so that they can generate the desired data sets themselves and expand their technological knowledge. Visits can vary in length between single days to several weeks, depending on the project’s need and individual circumstances. Scientists interested in accessing Euro-BioImaging services are invited to submit a project description any time via the online application portal. Senior scientists will offer expert advice on the project’s scope and experimental set-up.
The technologies offered by Euro-BioImaging can be accessed at Euro-BioImaging Nodes. They cover the whole spectrum of biological and pre-clinical imaging, with an ever-growing portfolio of cutting-edge instruments. Currently, the offered services include about 40 different technologies, among others:
Euro-BioImaging Nodes support their users in data management and quality control, primary data analysis and the transfer of large data sets to the home base. The BioImage Archive (www.ebi.ac.uk/bioimage-archive/) was launched as public central archive to store, share, access and analyse biological and biomedical image data. New computational tools for image analysis and processing accessible via the cloud will complement the offered services.
Euro-BioImaging offers training courses on many different cutting-edge imaging technologies for scientists as well as imaging facility operators.