Our partner site IMG in Prague is organising an on site compound logistics course in Prague from Nov 25-26, 2021. The course is intended mainly for staff in charge of compound management at…
As part of the EOSC Future project, the Research Data Alliance (RDA) is launching a call for proposals to improve the technical data frameworks for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). These…
The EU-funded ISIDORe project unites a multidisciplinary consortium of top-level networks and European research infrastructures. More than 150 international partners have teamed up to provide access…
EU-OPENSCREEN is part of the EOSC future project. EOSC Future is an EU-funded project that will develop a European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) to strengthen European science. It will create a virtual…
Our partner site IMG, Petr Bartunek and Ctibor Skuta in collaboration with Christopher Southan have published a new research paper. The work provides a uniquely comprehensive and comparative overview…
We are proud to announce the publication of our fully digital and interactive annual report 2020. In 2020 EU-OPENSCREEN reached several important milestones and became truly operational. We achieved…
EU-OPENSCREEN will be present at this year´s ADTCA 2021 which brings together groundbreaking Data Technologies, and derived products and services which have the potential to greatly influence the…
The EU-OPENSCREEN-DRIVE Chemoproteomics and Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MSI) Call 2021 aims at increasing the understanding of mechanisms of action by which a tool or small molecule hit/lead compound…
On May 11, our partner Petr Bartunek, Coordinator of CZ-OPENSCREEN, will chair the Workshop 'Research Infrastructures mobilisation in response to COVID-19: lessons learned', which is co-organised by…