The EU-OPENSCREEN community met in Budpest- Hungary, July 2nd – 4th, during the 5th European Chemical Biology Symposium.
Hosting more than 100 participants from 22 countries in Europe, Asia and America, the meeting featured three keynote lectures, eight plenary talks, nine oral presentations, four short talks and over 50 posters.
The conference keynotes presented different perspectives on chemical biology. Herbert Waldmann from the Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Physiologie in Dortmund – Germany presented small molecule library design inspired by natural products and biological evolution, Stefan Knapp from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University in Frankfurt am Main – Germany talked about the systemic validation of new disease targets, and John P. Overington from Medicines Discovery Catapult in Cheshire – United Kingdom talked about the development of chemical biology databases and ongoing challenges in data mining.
The conference also hosted an EU-OPENSCREEN workshop for nominated partner sites as well as potential commercial vendors to discuss a range of topics related to the set-up of the EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC.
The full breadth of EU-OPENSCREEN resources and technologies was highlighted during a session dedicated to partner site demonstrations, in a special part in the program booklet and an EU-OPENSCREEN poster corner.
The poster prizes went to Zoeisha S. Chinoy from the European Institute for Chemistry and Biology in Bordeaux – France for her work on novel glycan-reporters for metabolic oligosaccharide engineering and to Saba Nojoumi from the Technical University of Berlin – Germany for engineering modular biopolymers as functional multivalent scaffolds.
EU-OPENSCREEN and the Hungarian Society of Chemical Biology would like to thank all speakers and participants of the conference - for their insightful talks and inspiring discussions!
A special thank you also goes to the local organisers Attila Reményi, Görgy Dorman, Panna Korispataky, Beata Androsits, Eszter Kortvelyessy and Andrea Gonusz.
The ECBS2019 meeting will be hosted by EU-OPENSCREEN and the Life Sciences Section of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS) in Madrid.
Looking forward to seeing you all there!