
EU-OPENSCREEN will participate in Test Science Projects (TSPs) within the EOSC Future project

EU-OPENSCREEN together with its partner site Fraunhofer ITMP will participate in the Test Science Project “COVID-19 metadata findability and interoperability in EOSC” proposed by the Science Clusters of EOSC-Life and SSHOC in the frame of the EOSC Future project. As such, EU-OPENSCREEN will provide insights on the metadata schemas and workflows used in screening and medicinal chemistry research and will participate in the creation of a cross-domain metadata framework.

Description of the Mission-oriented Test Science Projects (TSPs)
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) forms an ecosystem of research data and related services that enable and enhance access and reuse of FAIR research outputs (i.e., data and other digital objects). The test science projects (TSPs) in EOSC Future will serve as examples of how joint projects can
address major, if not global, challenges for Europe's societies and how research infrastructures can align to support Horizon Europe's missions within the EOSC. The five Science Clusters ENVRI-FAIR, ESCAPE, EOSC-Life, PANOSC and SSHOC have designed a set of TSPs to drive integration of research infrastructure data and services ("composability") between the science domains and, as they mature and become ready for production, demonstrate how services from EOSC-Core can be incorporated into the routine provisioning of research infrastructure services. As one key output from the science clusters towards EOSC, they will contribute thematic services to the EOSC Ecosystem which will be aggregated at the cluster level, reflect the needs, requirements and considerable digital assets and services of the associated research communities and mobilise the research communities for widespread use of EOSC resources.