A total of 6 projects will be selected in two separate calls (scheduled for May 2019 and November 2020). Users from institutions within European member states and associated countries, and up to one user from a non-EU country, will have the possibility to apply to access 7 advanced proteomics facilities across Europe.
The first call aims at increasing the understanding of mechanisms of action by which a tool or drug discovery lead compound exerts its pharmacological effect. The users are offered access to target-based and phenotype-based workflows, proteomics and related advanced mass spectrometry (MS) based technologies. EU-OPENSCREEN-DRIVE chemistry partner sites, together with partners with proven track-records in probe development, target deconvolution and MS imaging, will support 3 successful applicants, providing collaboration on target identification and compound disposition studies. Under this call, users will have the opportunity to access a broad range of experimental approaches through different chemical proteomic workflows with samples of bacterial and mammalian origin or with whole organisms (e.g. multicellular parasites). Detailed information can be found: