
Register now for the International Helmholtz Drug Discovery Conference, 28-30 April 2025, Berlin

EU-OPENSCREEN co-organises the next International Helmholtz Drug Discovery Conference 2025 (HDDC2025) at the MDC.C in Berlin. The focus of HDDC2025 is RNA as drug and drug target, Novel cardiovascular drugs, PROTACs, Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery, Chemoproteomics and much more.

Scientists from academia and industry are invited to discuss the challenges and chances of modern drug discovery. Besides keynote presentations by internationally renowned speakers, oral and poster presentations selected from abstracts will allow participants to discuss their findings with expert peers. We also plan a session with start-up companies presenting their activities in drug research.

After the inclusion of the first chemoproteomics partner sites in the EU-OPENSCREEN consortium, do not miss the special workshop on chemoproteomics organised by EU-OPENSCREEN on Monday, April 28th, at 10:30–12:30.

The conference flyer can be downloaded here:

For more information, please visit