Funding programme: Horizon Europe (Project ID 101058620)
Budget: €14.8 Mio
Coordinator: BBMRI-ERIC
Start date: 01 September 2022
End date: 31 August 2025
Project website:
canSERV aims to accelerate the process of translating theoretical knowledge into personalised oncology clinical practice, which will give cancer patients faster and easier access to solutions and products.The project is aligned to the EU Cancer Mission declared by the European Commission suggesting that taking interdisciplinary approaches could be the key to accelerating cancer research and finding new treatment options. The canSERV project responds to this by providing new interdisciplinary and customised oncology services across the entire cancer continuum. This will provide a comprehensive portfolio of oncology-related research infrastructure services available to all EU member countries and beyond. The range of services offered by the consortium of life science research infrastructures is available through a single catalogue and intuitive user-friendly transnational access (TNA) process.
EU-OPENSCREEN leads WP4 on new therapeutic solutions providing access to drug discovery expertise and state-of-the-art services to identify novel therapeutic solutions for innovative personalised cancer research. In particular, partner sites will provide in WP4 access to HTS target-based and phenotypic assays, using biochemical or cell-based assays, incl. 3D spheroids assays, and to hit expansion and medicinal chemistry support to progress projects towards validated hit and lead stages.
In WP2 Advanced Technologies for understanding tumour biology and for personalised oncology EU-OPENSCREEN partners will support the development of disease-relevant assays (biochemical, pathway-based and cell-based 2D or 3D) for compound screening or hit validation, high-content image-based profiling of compounds, including those applied on patient-derived cells and the validation of the binding affinity and kinetics of compounds towards the drug target via biophysical methods and, and preclinical evaluation in ADME-tox assays of selected lead compounds (developed within WP4).
In addition EU-OPENSCREEN contributes with expertise and capacities to WP3 access to cutting-edge and high-quality services that will support the optimization of existing screening programmes, the advancement of novel approaches for screening and early detection, identification of new biomarker sets, as well as will contribute to the development of novel therapeutics based on molecular predictors ensuring the metabolomic profiling of cancer stem cell-derived exosomes.
The canSERV Consortium is pleased to announce the launch of its 2nd Challenge-Driven Call on “Reaching an Understanding of Cancer”. Cancer Researchers world-wide are invited to apply for free access to cutting-edge transnational services with an indicative overall budget for this call of EUR 750,000. The primary objective of this call is to accelerate research and enhance knowledge on the understanding of cancer.
Submission Deadline: 23 July 2024, 2pm CEST
The canSERV Consortium is pleased to announce the launch of its 3rd Challenge-Driven Call on “Revolutionising Cancer Patient Care: Innovative Approaches to Research and Clinical Trials for Improved Treatment Outcomes”.
Cancer Researchers world-wide are invited to apply for free access to cutting-edge transnational services with an indicative overall budget for this call of EUR 600,000. The primary objective of this call is to improving treatment and patients’ outcome through innovative ways to address clinical trials and research.
Submission Deadline: 28 August 2024, 2pm CEST
Call texts and application can be found here: