Funding programme: HORIZON-EUROPE (N 101124559)
Budget: €2.9M
Coordinator: BBMRI-ERIC
Duration: 4 years (1 September 2023- 31 August 2027)
Aim of ERIC Forum 2:
The ERIC Forum 2 project aims to fortify and assist in implementing the ERIC regulation and ERIC services, foster cooperation, and sustainability across Europe, and consolidate the integration of the ERICs into the European Research Area (ERA) by enhancing the ERIC Forum`s involvement in research policies.
Following the successful establishment and execution of the initial ERIC Forum project (2019-2022), continued efforts are required to solidify its accomplishments and extend coordination and oversight of the ERICs. The Second Implementation Project for the ERIC Forum is focused on enhancing coordination within the ERIC community and fostering deeper collaboration among partners. The strategic direction of the ERIC Forum 2 is geared towards addressing key challenges, developing best practices, and framing the requisite knowledge to support ERICs-to-be with various aspects.
The ERIC Forum 2 Project is structured in four pillars:
The project consists of various thematic work packages under four pillars, each dedicated to a particular area of focus. EU-OPENSCREEN contributes to the Work Packages below:
-WP5: Sustainability of ERIC services, including service integration and/or interoperability and access. The project partners will contribute to examining the challenges related to the operational sustainability of ERICs, particularly focusing on deployment of commercial services and funding schemes for accessing ERICs.
-WP6: ERIC alignment on EU policy priorities and visibility in the national arena. In this WP, project partners aim to identify and align on the policy priorities crucial to ERICs and their user communities, while also enhancing the visibility and representation of ERICs on a national level.
-WP8: Towards the green and digital transition. In this WP, the project partners will define recommendations aimed at decreasing the carbon footprint of buildings housing ERICs’ operations, as well as the instruments and services they offer.
-WP12: Addressing the challenges of the implementation of the ERIC Regulation, including the VAT exemption. WP12 will support the identification of challenges, negative consequences and barriers associated with the implementation of the ERICs regulation. Additionally, the project partners will identify practical difficulties regarding the implementation of VAT exemption, including its interpretation and use at national level.
Visit the ERIC Forum 2 website: