EU-OPENSCREEN is organising its annual autumn training school 2023 for the third time in a row!

Prestigious speakers from academia and industry will give talks on various topics including but not limited to chemical biology and early drug discovery. Our virtual EU-OPENSCREEN training school will be accessible from scientists all around the world online.  This year we are also hosting an open discussion session in which 5 distinguished scientists from the academic and industrial sectors will pose important questions on a topic that troubles many researchers concerning the Z’ factor in HTS. In this open discussion, we are aiming to engage the audience and together with our speakers to discuss fundamental issues on the topic!

Our target group? Everyone with an interest in science although young scientists are preferably welcomed for a great opportunity to meet distinguished speakers and discuss scientific, but also career questions, during the training school Q&A sessions.

Participation fee: free of charge


Monday - November 20, 2023

EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC Screening and Medicinal Chemistry Services

Katja Herzog 

Senior European Relations, Grant & Scientific Project Manager EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC

Assay Development, Screening and Compound Triage in a Centralized Platform

Haim Barr

Head Of Unit at Wohl Institute of Drug Discovery, Weizmann Institute of Science


Break (15')

Making data FAIR - a great way to increase the impact of your research

Phil Gribbon

Head of Hamburg Location, Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology (ITMP), Hamburg

Lunch Break (75')

General introduction to chemical biology 

Mabel Loza and Maria Joao Matos

University of Santiago de Compostela,Spain


Tuesday - November 21, 2023

Assay development and optimization

Pepo Brea

Head of HTS Unit BioFarma Research Group, University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), Spain

Hit Selection

Johannes Landskron

Norwegian Center for Molecular Medicine (NCMM) at Oslo University (UiO), Norway

Break (15')

Searching for natural products between drug discovery and chemical biology

Angelo Fontana

Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Naples Federico II.

Lunch Break (75')

A Discussion of Quality Control Measurements for High Throughput and High Content Screens”

Bartek Rajwa (1), Jordi Carreras Puigvert (2), Tijmen Booij (3), Yanthe Pearson (4), Magda Otrocka (5), Christian Parker (6)

(1) Professor (Res.), Computational Biology Bindley Bioscience Center, Indiana USA
(2) Associate Professor in Preclinical Drug Discovery, Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics group,
Uppsala, Sweden
(3) ETH Zürich, Group Leader Screening & Lab Automation, Zürich, Switzerland
(4) Center for Genomics and Systems Biology, New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE
(5) Lead Molecular Biologist, Biomedical Imaging, Ardigen S.A., Krakow, Poland,UAE


Wednesday - November 22, 2023

From Hit to Lead: Designing Nanomedicine to Bypass challenging Biological Barriers

Maria Vicent

Scientific Director-Centro de Investigación príncipe Felipe, Spain

High throughput screening with natural products libraries

Olga Genilloud

Scientific Director Fundación MEDINA, Spain

Break (15')


Guillaume Médard

Head of Proteomics Core Facility, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Lunch Break (75')

Discovery and development of TDP-43 modulators for ALS therapy

Ana Martinez

Professor, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas Margarita Salas (CSIC), Spain