

The European Chemical Biology Database (ECBD) is the central data hub for data generated within the EU-OPENSCREEN network.The ECBD is hosted by our Czech partner site, the Institute Molecular Genetics (IMG) in Prague. It is a a web portal with powerful search and analysis capabilities and contains validated output from screening centres in a public as well as pre-release environment. The ECBD is developed in line with the FAIR principles ensuring findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability of the data.

The ECBD supports curation, annotation and organisation of data and metadata. The data is deposited with a flexible privacy model for rapid and safe dissemination and exploitation. Users stay owner of their data.

The optional hold period is 36 months for data publication. There are high standards of security and traceability of IP (citable indexing of data points [EUOS, DOI or URL]) and links to originator labs for primary raw unprocessed data.

There are also links to SAR (e.g., ChEMBL), Chemical Structure (e.g. PubChem), and Target (e.g. UniProt) resources and links to the new NIH-funded BARD resource.

Please visit the ECBD website for further information: